HLA MHC Inf & Imm Evolution Population Genetics Genetics Genetic Epidemiology Epidemiology Biostatistics Glossary Homepage
IPD-IMGT/HLA Database IMGT Resources HLA Dictionary @ IMGT HLA Nomenclature HLA Nomenclature 2022 (updates)
ASHI University IMGT Education (Tutorials) HLA Education Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Notes Omixon Academy
EuroTransplant Resources: Eurotransplant Manual: Histocompatibility Testing EuroTransplant (ET) Match Determinants
xMHC Genes (XLS; TXT)
Bioinformatics@NMDP: HaploStats Haplotype Frequencies
HLA Human Immunology Int J Immunogenetics Immunogenetics Genes & Immunity J Immunol Front Immunol
CD Antigens Listing HUGO CD Molecules List HCDM CD Molecules List
KIR Book by Carrington & Norman (2003) IPD-KIR Sequence Database NK Cell Receptors
C1 C2 Epitopes Bw4 Bw6 List Supertypes: HLA-A / HLA-B / HLA-DR/DQ/DP HLA Eplet Registry (ref)
IMGT Cell Line Database (search) & Complete Listing IHWG Cell Bank ECACC - IHW Cell Lines (Search)
Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide World Marrow Donor Association
HLA Peptide Binding Motifs: MHC Motif Atlas (ref) Epitope Registry: HLA-EPI (ref) NetMHCcons 1.1 (ref) NetCTLpan 1.1 (ref)
IEDP Epitope Prediction and Analysis Tools (ref)
KEGG Antigen Processing and Presentation Pathways
EBI: Tools NCBI BioInformatics Tools HLAMiner (ref) MaHCO (ref) ImmPort
MHC Haplotype Project: Vega / UCL /Paper NCBI Chr 6 Map Sw Regulon Chr 6 Ensembl Chr 6 VEGA Chr 6
MOUSE: Chromosome 17 Map H-2 Haplotypes of Strains
Mouse Genome Informatics Mouse Genetics by L Silver Origins of Inbred Mice by HC Morse III (Ed)
Carrington Lab Michigan Transplant Center
Essentials of Genetics Basic Population Genetics BioInformatics Tools HFE
Gene[RATE] Tools HLA-NET Easy-HLA PyPop (HLA & HWE/LD)
PopGene (HWE, LD, genetic distance, etc) HAPLOTYPER PHASE / fastPHASE
Arlequin v3.5 (ref) PHYLIP (online) MEGA GENECLUSTER MVSP
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center Online Immunology Book
Links to Evolution-Related Sites Evolution Glossary Genetic Epidemiology Glossary Real Time PCR GraphPad Guide to Statistical Tests BioStatistics
CEPH (Jean Dausset Foundation)
MHC & Leukemia (PPT) HLA-DR53 Fact File HLA & Statistics HLA & Population Genetics Genetic Epidemiology
Compiled by Mehmet Tevfik DORAK, MD, PhD
Last updated on 12 August 2023
HLA MHC Inf & Imm Evolution Population Genetics Genetics Genetic Epidemiology Epidemiology Biostatistics Glossary Homepage